Anonymous Prayer Requests

Many times God chooses not to answer our prayers unless we have given our life to Him. Once you do, we will partner our faith with you.
Please say the following prayer to surrender and give your life to God.
God, I believe you exist. I believe You sent your Son Jesus to die on the cross for my sins. I believe He died for me and that He rose from the grave and still lives today.
I believe in You and choose to serve You. Please baptize me in Your Holy Spirit and forgive me of all my sins and lead me to where You want me to go.
In Jesus' name, Amen.
Please type an anonymous prayer request below and we will agree and pray over them in faith according to the following scripture. If you said this prayer for the first time please let us know here.
Jesus said in Matthew 18:19 that “Again I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in heaven.
If you want to include your name, please only put your first name to keep it private. Otherwise, type something other than your name like "anonymous".
Once you write the prayer we have to manually approve it, so if you see your prayer posted it means that we have prayed over it. If you came across this page and are bold in faith, we ask that you agree with us in these prayers. After you do pray, we ask that you click the heart button so we know someone else has stood in faith with us.
Share a Prayer
Share a Prayer
Feel free to share your anonymous prayer request on FaceBook or any other platform. Ask those that you share it with to pray over the requests as well. This way we can have a multitude of people praying over them. You can also bookmark this page so you can come back with any other prayer requests.